Vision Team Blog

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

We've found a space!

I have great news. We've found and confirmed a space that we can meet in and grow into! I met today with the VP of the Association for Individual Development and they agreed that we could use their building here in Yorkville on Sunday mornings. It is the perfect type of space for us. It already has a "living room" feel and there are several side rooms for children. There is a full kitchen, a foyer, even an outdoor deck! It will give us enough space to grow into without feeling like we're in too big of a room or too institutional of a setting.

Since we talked about this at our last meeting and agreed that we need to move into a new space as soon as possible, I went ahead and confirmed this rental with AID. We will sign a contract after the New Year. We've agreed to pay them $500/month and put down a $1000 security deposit. That is very affordable for us right now, and it also means that we won't lose our funding from Midwest Church Planting immediately. They suggested we sign a 6-month lease and see how it goes. We can renew for another 6-months after that if all goes well and if we still fit the space by that point.

The best part is that, at least right now, the AID people seem very friendly and eager to have us in there. They are very flexible with our needs and were willing to let us use the building at other times during the week when they aren't there if we need to. They said we can have full use of the kitchen if we want to do meals, and we will be able to leave our set-up stuff there so we don't have to cart stuff back and forth.

We really couldn't ask for a better situation right now. This is a huge answer to prayer. Thanks for praying you guys. God really came through! :)

We should be able to begin meeting there as early as January 14. I'd like to suggest that we should make a big deal about this move to the community. We never had an official "launch" for our church (which was supposed to happen in September), and it'd be great to make this our "launch" so-to-speak. I suggest we give ourselves a few weeks to settle in, and then plan a special "launch" service for the first Sunday of February. I'd like to send out postcards again to the whole community announcing our move and the launch service. Let me know if you all think that would be okay.

I think it'd be a good idea to try and get together as a Vision Team sometime in the next few weeks to talk about this and all the implications. If we met on the Thursday evening after Chrismas (Dec 28) would most of you be able to make it? Please let me know. If that doesn't work, we should shoot for Thursday, January 4 at the latest.

This is a cause for celebration! Let's give thanks to God for his timely provision!



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